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电话: 0755-29553065
姓名: sara
Shenzhen TOJOIN communication technolongy Co.,Ltd

  深圳市中冀联合通讯技术成立于2006年,在通信产品领域,我司TOJOIN品牌是中国***的专业生产商和出口商品牌之一,下面是我司主要经营的产品: 1. WLAN测试系统包括:屏蔽箱,衰减器,功分器,PCI延伸保护器,cardbus 读卡器,各种转接卡,测试电缆组件和转接头,测试探针,天线等; 2. GPS 测试系统包括:GPS 模拟器,GPS转发器,GPS天线,GPS放大器,GPS功分器等; 3. 有源无源器件:功分器,合路器,衰减器,隔直器,负载,腔体滤波器,耦合器等

主要产品/业务: Shenzhen Tojoin Communication Technology Co., Ltd. started operation in 2006. Our company with TOJOIN brand is one of the leading professional manufacturers and exporters in the field of communication products in *域名隐藏* are the main products we produ

Shenzhen TOJOIN communication technolongy Co.,Ltd / 广东 / The B4 floor, NO.A4,Anle Industrial areas,Hangcheng Road,Baoan D (518126) / 电话:0755-29553065

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